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Flagge Mazedonien

Nach Nordmazedonien können Lebendtiere und Erzeugnisse tierischer Herkunft exportiert werden



Zertifikat für Zucht- und Nutzrinder


Zertifikat für Zucht- und Nutzschweine für den Transit 

Zertifikat für Wildschweine

Schafe- und Ziegen

Zertifikat für Zucht- und Nutzschafe/Ziegen 








Andere Paarhufer 


Vögel ausgenommen Geflügel 


Andere Tiere 





Neue Zeugnisse Nordmazedonien ab September 2019

Veterinärzertifikate für tierische Produkte

Milch und Milchprodukte

Health Certificate for raw milk from third countries or parts thereof authorized in Annex 6 Part 7 column A of Book of rules* or equivalent column А, Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 605/2010 intended for further processing in the Republic of North Macedonia before being used for human consumption

Health Certificate for dairy products derived from raw milk for human consumption from third countries or parts thereof authorized in Annex 6 Part 7 column A of Book of rules* or equivalent column A, Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 605/2010 intended for importation in to the Republic of North Macedonia 

Health Certificate for dairy products derived from milk of cows, ewes, goats and buffaloes for human consumption from third countries or parts thereof authorized in column B Part 7 of Annex V I of Book of rules* or equivalent column B, Annex I to Regulation(EU) No 605/2010 intended for importation in to the Republic of North Macedonia

Health Certificate for dairy products for human consumption from third countries or parts thereof listed in Annex 6 Part 7 column C of Book of rules*, or equivalent column C of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 605/2010 intended for importation into the Republic of North Macedonia

Health Certificate for colostrum of cows, ewes, goats and buffalos and colostrum-based products derived from colostrum of the same species from third countries or parts thereof listed in Annex 6 Part 7 column A of Book of rules*, or equivalent column A of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 605/2010 for human consumption intended for importation into the Republic of North Macedonia

Health Certificate for raw milk, dairy products, colostrum and colostrum-based products for human consumption for transit trough or storage in the Republic of North Macedonia


For import of fresh meat, including minced meat, of domestic bovine animals (Including Bison and Bubalus species and their cross-breeds) to the Republic of North Macedonia

For import of fresh meat, including minced meat, of domestic ovine animals (Ovis aries) and domestic caprine animals (Capra hircus) to the Republic of North Macedonia

For import of fresh meat, including minced meat, of domestic porcine animals (Sus scrofa) to the Republic of North Macedonia

For import of fresh meat, excluding minced meat, of domestic solipeds (Equus caballus, Equus asinus and their cross-breeds) to the Republic of North Macedonia

For import of fresh meat, excluding offal and minced meat, of farmed non-domestic animals of the order Artio- dactyla (excluding bovine animals (including Bison and Bubalus species and their cross-breeds), Ovis aries, Capra hircus, Suidae and Tayassuidae), and of the families Rhinocerotidae and Elephantidae to the Republic of North Macedonia

For import of fresh meat, excluding offal and minced meat, of wild non-domestic animals of the order Artiodactyla (excluding bovine animals (including Bison and Bubalus species and their cross-breeds), Ovis aries, Capra hircus, Suidae and Tayassuidae), and of the families Rhinocerotidae and Elephantidae to the Republic of North Macedonia

For import of fresh meat, excluding offal and minced meat, of farmed non-domestic animals belonging to the Suidae, Tayassuidae, or Tapiridae families to the Republic of North Macedonia

For import of fresh meat, excluding offal and minced meat, of wild solipeds belonging to the subgenus Hippotigris (Zebra) to the Republic of North Macedonia

For import of fresh meat, excluding offal and minced meat, of wild non-domestic animals belonging to the Suidae, Tayassuidae, or Tapiridae families to the Republic of North Macedonia

For transit and storage of fresh meat through/in the Republic of North Macedonia


For мeat products/treated stomachs, bladders and intestines, for dispatch to the Republic of North Macedonia

For мeat products/treated stomachs, bladders and intestines for transit and/or storage to the Republic of North Macedonia


For meat preparations for dispatch to the Republic of North Macedonia from EU member countries

For meat preparations (MP-PREP) for transit and/or storage to the Republic of North Macedonia


Informationen zu Mazedonien des Österreichischen Außenministeriums

Ministerium für Land-, Forst und Wasserwirtschaft der Republik Mazedonien